Title Transience of coastal aquifer system water salinity under the influence of melioration system operative regime, tidal fluctuations and River Neretva hydrological regime : doctoral dissertation
Title (croatian) Promjenjivost stanja slanosti voda obalnog vodonosnika pod utjecajem operativnih režima melioracijskog sustava, plimotvornih oscilacija i hidroloških uvjeta rijeke Neretve : disertacija
Author Ivan Lovrinović
Mentor Veljko Srzić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Gotovac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Luigi Tosi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5254-4059 (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulics) Split
Defense date and country 2022-11-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 626/627 - Hydraulic engineering and construction. Water (aquatic) structures
Abstract One of the areas of prior interest for the Republic of Croatia in terms of water conservation and water needs, especially for irrigation of agricultural crops, is the river Neretva delta. This area represents the largest agricultural area on the Croatian coast and is the source of existence for the local population. Managing the area has become a complex task given the intensive agricultural activities, the large number of people living near the area of interest, significant seawater intrusion
... More (SWI) and ongoing climate changes manifested by indicators such as sea level rise and increasingly unpredictable precipitation. Therefore, the need to understand the processes responsible for creating favorable/unfavorable conditions in both, surface and groundwater, is self-evident. A review of the available literature reveals that SWI in the coastal aquifer system of the Neretva Valley, with a focus on external loadings and their effect on ground and surface water has not been sufficiently investigated. The influence of the operative regime of the melioration system, the hydrological regime of the river Neretva and the tidal characteristics of the Adriatic Sea to ground and surface water fluctuations along the study area was established as the primary scope of this thesis. A variety of methodological approaches was used throughout the thesis to analyze and investigate the impact of SWI on the Neretva coastal aquifer system. Despite the strong effect of the SWI, the area of interest is defined as a complex system that can be controlled naturally or by management. In order to investigate the interaction between factors controlling the surface and ground water along the Neretva Valley in conjunction with SWI, a monitoring system was designed and implemented to collect pertinent data sets and time series. An investigation was conducted utilizing time series in the temporal and frequency domains. The application of cross correlation methods, the Discrete Fourier Transform and the Continuous Wavelet Transform provided insights into the interdependence of analyzed ground and surface water parameters. Based on past in-situ work and time series of sea water elevation and piezometric head, the study area was hydrogeologically characterized. Previously collected in-situ data were used for the conceptualization of the coastal aquifer system. Tidal methods were upgraded to incorporate tidal signals with more than one harmonic constituent to improve the method’s capacity. Findings are focused on determining specific storage, hydraulic conductivity and leakance between shallow unconfined and deeper confined aquifer units. Novel in-situ and laboratory results were utilized to bolster these findings. The confinement of the deeper aquifer was confirmed in two ways: i) by using frequency analysis of constituents typical for confined conditions which confirm confinement of deeper aquifer and ii) by using ERT results which do not evidence the absence of confining clay layer along the study area. The determined values of hydraulic conductivity were consistent with the gravely material, which was confirmed by interpreting the characteristic grain values determined in the laboratory from borehole cores taken from the study area. Based on the hydrogeological characterization and determination of the connectivity between the geological units of the aquifer, the predominant SWI corridors characterizing rain and dry seasons were identified. To comprehend the transient nature of surface and groundwater parameters such as temperature, piezometric head, and electrical conductivity, a number of external loadings were considered. The confined aquifer appears to maintain its electrical conductivity regime independently from the unconfined aquifer above and vice versa. The electrical conductivity in the confined aquifer shows no significant correlation with tidally-induced oscillations, while piezometric head as observed within the confined aquifer is shown to be driven by tidal oscillations. In addition to the confined aquifer, it was demonstrated that the Adriatic Sea is the dominant factor controlling the groundwater regime in the Diga area, as found in the unconfined aquifer. The melioration system’s operative regime creates favorable agricultural conditions in the study area. As a result, groundwater has been delineated below sea levels, thereby creating active SWI conditions that increase the inflow of seawater from the Adriatic Sea. The majority of precipitation occurs during the rain season, which creates an imbalance in the natural aquifer recharge. In both rain and dry seasons, the river Neretva's hydrological regime plays a dominant role but with opposite effects. During the dry season, seawater intrudes upstream along the Neretva riverbed, generating a source of seawater that impacts the Jasenska region. Specific attention has been given to the sub melioration systems of Vidrice and Opuzen ušće. The groundwater of the coastal area of Opuzen ušće, called Diga, was identified as dominantly tide controlled, while the Vidrice area is predominantly influenced by the presence of upstream springs of brackish water which enter the melioration system. It was discovered that only the Vidrice area has higher salinity during the rain season than during the dry season. The operative regime of the melioration system controls the dynamics of water quality as found along the Vidrice area, while the groundwater in the Jasenska area is salinized primarily by the Neretva River. Less
Abstract (croatian) Jedno od područja od primarnog interesa za Republiku Hrvatsku u smislu očuvanja stanja voda i potreba za vodom primarno za potrebe navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih kultura jest područje donje Neretve, točnije, područje delte rijeke Neretve od grada Opuzena do Jadranskog mora. Područje donje Neretve predstavlja najveće poljoprivredno područje na hrvatskoj obali, a za lokalno stanovništvo koje značajan postotak primarni izvor prihoda osigurava iz poljoprivrednih djelatnosti, predstavlja izvor
... More egzistencije. Do sredine 20.tog stoljeća, u većoj mjeri močvarno područje, sa značajnim vodoprivrednim i infrastrukturnim zahvatima i objektima pretvoreno je u područje pogodno za poljoprivredne djelatnosti. S obzirom na intenzivnu poljoprivredu, značajnu koncentraciju ljudi koji žive u području koje gravitira području od interesa, utjecaja intruzije morske vode (IMV) uslijed blizine mora i klimatskim promjenama za očekivati je u bližoj budućnosti značajne poteškoće u pogledu dugoročnog održanja kvalitete vode prihvatljive za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih kultura. Iz pregleda dostupne literature uočava se nedostatak cjelovitog istraživanja u segmentu IMV, nedostatak razumijevanja vanjskih utjecaja, operativnog režima sustava, sustava obrane od poplava i identifikacije glavnih koridora unosa morske vode u obuhvat. Kako bi se analizirao proces IMV-a i utjecaj IMV-a u dolini Neretve u radu su primijenjeni razni metodološki pristupi. Kako bi se istražio proces IMV-a, ali i procesi koji utječu na IMV u području interesa, osmišljen je i implementiran sustav monitoringa površinskih i podzemnih voda. Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani u vremenskoj i frekvencijskoj domeni primjenom crosskorelacijskih modela, diskretne Fourier-ove transformacije i kontinuirane Wavelet transformacije u svrhu analiziranja parametara podzemnih i površinskih voda, ali i njihove međusobne povezanosti. S obzirom na prethodne geofizičke i geomehaničke istražne radove definiran je konceptualni model vodonosnika doline Neretve. Vremenske serije razine mora i potencijala u vodonosniku korištene su u svrhu hidrogeološke karakterizacije vodonosnika pod tlakom. Metode iz domene Tidal Methods se unaprjeđuju s kapacitetom obrade realnih polikromatskih signala plime i oseke, a sve u svrhu pouzdanijeg određivanja hidrogeoloških parametara poput parametra zapremine, hidrauličke vodljivosti i procjeđivanja između dubokog vodonosnika pod tlakom i plitkom vodonosnog sloja sa slobodnim vodnim licem. Utvrđeni hidrogeološki parametri su verificirani s geofizičkim, geomehaničkim i laboratorijskim rezultatima. Karakterizacija dubokog vodonosnika pod tlakom potvrđena je analizom karakterističnih konstituenata u vodonosniku pod tlakom u frekvencijskoj domeni i ERT rezultatima koji ukazuju na neprekinutost glinenog sloja između plitkog i dubokog vodonosnog sloja. Verifikacija dobivenih vrijednosti hidrauličke vodljivosti vodonosnika pod tlakom je provedena usporedbom s rezultatima analiziranih uzoraka materijala iz istražne bušotine napravljene na području interesa. S obzirom na prethodno utvrđene hidrogeološke parametre i utvrđene ograničenosti vodonosnika pod tlakom, definirani su glavni koridori unosa morske, ali i svježe vode u područje interesa u kišnom i sušnom razdoblju. Kako bi se dodatno razumjele vremenski promjenjive karakteristike površinskih i podzemnih voda poput razine podzemne ili površinske vode, električne vodljivosti i temperature analizirani su razni vanjski utjecaji. Električna vodljivost u vodonosniku pod tlakom ima relativno konstantnu vrijednost tokom cijele godine, dok su promjene potencijala u vodonosniku uzrokovane plimotvornim oscilacijama mora. Osim utjecaja na duboki vodonosnik oscilacije razine mora imaju i dominantni utjecaj na režim podzemnih voda u vodonosniku sa slobodnim vodnim lice na području Dige. Rad infrastrukture navodnjavanja i odvodnje primarno definira režim podzemnih voda u smislu osiguranja zone pedološkog sloja. Ova činjenica, iako primarno zamišljena s idejom osiguranja povoljnih poljoprivrednih uvjeta, za posljedicu je imala i kreiranje uvjeta za ostvarenje aktivne intruzije morske vode, te povećan unos morske vode u obalni vodonosni sustav i intenziviranje IMV-a u ovom području. Tokom godine većina pale oborine se ostvari u kišnom razdoblju što za posljedicu ima disbalans u režimu površinskih i podzemnih voda. Hidrološki režim rijeke Neretve ima ključnu ulogu na stanje podzemnih voda u području Jasenska i u kišnom i sušnom razdoblju. U sušnom razdoblju prisutnost klina morske vode u rijeci Neretve je čini slanim rubnim uvjetom, dok je u kišnom s povećanjem protoka i potiskivanjem klina morske vode prema ušću zabilježen suprotan utjecaj rijeke Neretve na područje Jasenska. Za razliku od Jasenske, područje Dige je dominanto pod utjecajem mora, a područje Vidrica je pod utjecajem slanih izvora koji se nalaze uz rub ovog područja te zaslanjuju melioracijske kanale na ovom području. Područje Vidrice predstavlja jedino područje u obuhvatu koje ima veću slanost podzemnih i površinskih voda tokom kišnog razdoblja u odnosu na sušno razdoblje. Režim rada melioracijskog sustava kontrolira kvalitetu vode na području Vidrica, a rijeka Neretva ima glavni utjecaj na zaslanjivanje područja Jasenska. Less
seawater intrusion
coastal aquifers
tidal methods
time series analysis
Keywords (english)
intruzija morske vode
obalni vodonosnici
podzemne vode
tidal methods
analiza vremenskih serija
Language english
DOI https://doi.org/10.31534/DocT.055.LovI
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:123:462854
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo)
Catalog URL https://library.foi.hr/lib/knjiga.php?B=422&H=&E=&V=&lok=&zbi=&item=15491
Type of resource Text
Extent 271 list s razl. pag. : tabele, graf. prikazi, ilustr. u bojama ; 30 cm. -
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-11-07
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Created on 2023-02-27 13:12:23