Title (croatian) | Zajednički temelji 2018 - uniSTem : šesti skup mladih istraživača iz područja građevinarstva i srodnih tehničkih znanosti, 25.-26. rujna 2018., Split : zbornik radova |
Title (english) | Common Foundations 2018 - uniSTem : the sixth meeting of young researchers in the field of civil engineering and related technical sciences, 25-26 September 2018, Split : proceedings |
Editor | Marina Sunara Kusić |
Editor | Morena Galešić |
Other responsibility | Dujmo Žižić (Illustrator) |
Other responsibility | Stella Čular (Other) |
Other responsibility | Robert Šakić Trogrlić (Other) |
Author's institution | University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Geodesy |
Abstract (croatian) | Zajednički temelji su redoviti skup mladih istraživača (doktoranada i poslijedoktoranada) iz područja građevinarstva i srodnih tehničkih znanosti. Skup je zamišljen na način da bude platforma za jedna od prvih izlaganja mladih istraživača, što im omogućava svojevrsne treninge za daljnja prezentiranja i istraživački rad, te adekvatno umrežavanje. Sudionici prezentiraju svoja istraživanja ili koncept istraživanja pred kolegama iz različitih STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) područja, a njihovi sažeci ili radovi su objavljeni u zborniku. Svaki skup svakako sadrži najmanje jedno pozvano predavanje i radionicu ili okrugli stol na jednu od aktualnih tema vezanih za znanstveno-istraživačku domenu i položaj mladih u istoj. |
Abstract (english) | Common Foundations are a regular group of young researchers (doctoral students and postdoctoral students) from the field of civil engineering and related technical sciences. The meeting was conceived in such a way as to be a platform for one of the first presentations of young researchers, which provides them with a kind of training for further presentations and research work, as well as adequate networking. Participants present their research or research concept in front of colleagues from different STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields, and their summaries or papers are published in the proceedings. Each meeting certainly contains at least one invited lecture and workshop or round table on one of the current topics related to the scientific and research domain and the position of young people in it. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Keywords (english) | |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Edited book-Scientific book-Conference proceedings |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review - domestic |
Publication version | Published version |
Pages | 249 |
ISBN | 978-953-6116-77-5 |
ISBN | 978-953-6116-78-2 (e-ISBN) |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:123:413186 |
Online first | 2018 |
Conference | Title: Zajednički temelji 2018 - uniSTem : šesti skup mladih istraživača iz područja građevinarstva i srodnih tehničkih znanosti Title: Common Foundations 2018 - uniSTem: the sixth meeting of young researchers from the field of civil engineering and related technical fields Acronym: ZT2018-uniSTem Location: Split, Croatia Start date: 2018-09-25 End date: 2018-09-26 Assembly type: Lecture |
Document URL | http://gradst.unist.hr/ostalo/izdavacka-djelatnost/a/view/id/4065 |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije |
Publishing place | Split |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | ![]() |
Created on | 2023-04-27 15:13:44 |