Title (croatian) | Turizam i otok |
Editor | Saša Randić |
Editor | Sanja Matijević Barčot |
Other responsibility | Rafaela Dražić (Other) VIAF: 300517626 |
Author's institution | University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (Department of Architectural Design) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism Architectural Design |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism Urbanism and Regional Planning |
Abstract (croatian) | Hrvatsku godišnje posjeti više od 20 milijuna turista, od kojih više od 90% čine strani turisti. Prema podacima ‘rekordne’ 2019. godine najveći broj noćenja, gotovo 40% ostvaruje se u tzv. ‘objektima u domaćinstvu’ - apartmanima, a u toj kategoriji smještaja evidentan je i najveći porast kapaciteta. Na drugom mjestu je smještaj u hotelima u kojima se ostvaruje 25% noćenja, dok se 20 % ostvaruje u kampovima. Turizam u Hrvatskoj ima obilježje visoke sezonalnosti te se najveći broj turističkih posjeta bilježi u ljetnim mjesecima (lipanj-rujan). Pri tom, sunce i more glavni su hrvatski turistički aduti pa pritisak turističke izgradnje na obalne prostore značajno mijenja prirodni okoliš i predstavlja ogromni izazov održivom planiranju prostora. Postojeća infrastruktura je nedostatna za broj turističkih posjetitelja, a konflikti turističkog sektora i svakodnevnice lokalnih stanovnika postaju sve češći. Publikacija “Turizam i otok” prezentira istraživanja provedena tijekom edukacijskog procesa u sklopu arhitektonsko-urbanističke radionice Diplomski studio 3 na drugoj godini diplomskog studija Arhitektura i urbanizam na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije u Splitu. Promatrajući odnose turizma i lokalnog života te razvijajući scenarije kohabitacije različitih sadržaja koji će imati koristi jedni od drugih, studio istražuje može li turizam poslužiti kao posrednik u zaštiti otočke prirode i poticaj lokalnoj ekonomiji, bez uništavanja prirodnih resursa. Zadana lokacija se nalazi u Zadarskoj županiji, u mjestu Luka na Dugom otoku. |
Abstract (english) | Over 20 million tourists visit Croatia every year, mainly in the summer months (from June to September). Therefore, high seasonality is one of the key features of Croatian tourism. According to statistics for the „record-breaking“ year 2019, the majority of tourist overnight stays, nearly 40%, were realised in private rental properties, mostly apartments. This accommodation category also recorded the biggest increase in capacities. The second-ranking accommodation category were hotels, with 25% of overnight stays, followed by camps, with 20%. The fact that Croatian tourism primarily leverages the advantages of the sun and the sea, the pressure of tourism-related construction in the coastal areas has significantly altered the natural environment, and represents a huge challenge for sustainable spatial planning. The existing infrastructure is inadequate for the large numbers of tourists, and conflicts between the tourism industry and the daily lives of locals have been increasingly frequent. This publication presents the research conducted as part of the educational process of the Graduate Design Studio 3, a second-year course of the graduate university study of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split. By examining the relationship between tourism and local life and developing scenarios for the cohabitation of different, but mutually beneficial, amenities, the studio tries to determine whether tourism can serve as a medium in the protection of an island’s natural environment, and as an impetus to the local economy, without destroying the natural resources. The location of the site is in Zadar County, in the small town of Luka on the island of Dugi otok. The task is performed on different scales, from the scale of urban planning, to the architectural scale of new tourism capacities. The students are expected to design new programmatic and typological synergies of tourism and local life, which will contribute to the development of the island town. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Keywords (english) | |
Language | croatian |
Language | english |
Publication type | Edited book-Professional book-Other |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review - domestic |
Publication version | Published version |
Pages | 102 |
ISBN | 978-953-6116-91-1 |
ISBN | 978-953-6116-92-8 (e-ISBN) |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.31534/9789536116928 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:123:715989 |
Online first | 2023-09-05 |
Document URL | http://gradst.unist.hr/ostalo/izdavacka-djelatnost/a/view/id/4135 |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije |
Publishing place | Split |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | ![]() |
Public note | Ova publikacija prezentira istraživanja provedena tijekom edukacijskog procesa u sklopu arhitektonsko-urbanističke radionice Diplomski studio 3 na drugoj godini diplomskog studija Arhitektura i urbanizam na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije u Splitu. Terenska nastava provedena na Dugom otoku financirana je u sklopu projekta PRAG - PRvi korAk u karijeri - poslovi budućnosti u Graditeljstvu. |
Created on | 2023-09-05 11:09:10 |